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Like a ship on an ocean of sand, 300 km north of Tamanrasset, is the Tefedest. A grandiose and wild universe, this long granite massif towers over 2000 m over deeply incised valleys, creating real labyrinths between rocks and dunes. Superb decor of small ergs and regs, where the bottoms of wadis lined with tamarisk and acacia trees thread their way through the granite walls... A magnificent Saharan atmosphere. Superb mountain range oriented south-north, the only truly individualized of the Hoggar massif, the Tefedest forms a world apart. Its width is 20 to 30 kms and its total length is approximately 120 kms, between the extreme southern point: the In Acoulmou, a very beautiful summit which is also its highest point (2369 m) and the last northern buttress, the Garet the Djenoun, the famous mountain of the geniuses of the Tuareg (2327 m), whose large walls of Precambrian granite rise in a single jet from the white sands of the plain which spreads out towards the north, towards Amguid. The Mountain of Geniuses The Tefedest culminates at the Garet - El – Djenoun (the mountain of geniuses) at 2,300 meters, of which Frison–Roche made the first ascent in The Tefedest are the Alps in the heart of the Sahara. A unique and astonishing universe for all those who have kept a traditional image of the desert made up of ergs and regs. The high granite chains that culminate at 2500 meters bar the horizon for 120 km from north to south in strange bluish gradients. From these peaks the wadis descend, giving rise to gueltas and nets of greenery which will be lost in the plains of sand as far as the eye can see. Dunes of very white sand invade the valleys and everywhere rise to attack the mountains forming here and there small ergs. At altitude, in places today inaccessible to herds, engravings, paintings, traces of hearths attest to the richness of this region in the Neolithic period.

Sometimes forgotten tracks, buried in scree and dotted with tumuli, make the weight of history evident. The men are always present. The Issakhamaren Tuareg Tefedset tribe grazes its herds

IMPORTANT: Itinerary prepared with Tuareg guides familiar with the region. The day-by-day schedule is given for information only and may be modified depending on possible bad weather or unforeseen circumstances. THE SPIRIT OF TRAVEL If you want to experience the sensations that the desert offers, without the constraints of bivouac life, this trip is made for you. Every morning you set off aboard your 4x4 to discover the spectacular geological treasures embedded in this part of the desert: high mountainous reliefs, volcanic massifs, steep cliffs, immense crystalline plateaus covered with lava …and every evening you return to the comfort of your hotel. A gentle expedition, which will give you beautiful emotions and will leave you with lasting memories.


Day 01

Europe - Tamanrasset

Flight to Tamanrasset via Algiers (a meal is served on board the international flight and on board the national flight)
At Algiers airport you must collect your luggage. You then exit the international airport to go (on foot) to the national airport: turn right (approximately 300 m.). Go to the Air Algérie counter at the national airport to check in your baggage for Tamanrasset. The check-in counters are located opposite the first entrance.
Welcome at Tamanrasset airport by our expedition leader. Transfer to the Hotel for this first night.
If you are flying on a direct flight from Europe to Tamanrasset, you will not have to worry about your luggage. In this case your visa will be issued to you on site upon presentation of an official document from the Algerian authorities. It will be payable on arrival.

Day 02

Tamanrasset - Hermitage Charles de Foucauld - Assekrem

Breakfast and in the morning departure for Tamanrasset to make a free tour of the city (the market, the bordj, the African market...). After lunch, we begin the 80 rocky and steep kilometers of the Atakor to reach, after breathtaking landscapes, the refuge at the foot of the Assekrem plateau. We arrive quite early so that we can walk towards the hermitage of Charles de Foucauld and admire, from the summit, the entire Atakor massif at sunset. Night in bivouac, in tent.

Day 03

Assekrem - Oasis Hirafok

Wake up early to watch the sunrise over the entire Hoggar massif from the hermitage which we reach on foot. We then board our vehicles to take the very spectacular track which will take us in the afternoon to the small village of Hirafok where we stock up on water. Picnic en route to the gueltas of Issakarassen and Edjaf Mallan where we can take beautiful walks to discover the water points in the middle of beautiful vegetation. We set up our bivouac in the Hirafok region in the middle of a set of beautiful rocks. Night in bivouac

Due to storms, the track to Hirafok may be impassable. We will then reach the Hirafok region via In Amguel located north of Tamanrasset

Day 04

Oasis Hirafok - Oasis Ideles - Mertoutek

Walk at sunrise on the site and departure to reach Mertoutek via the Ideles oasis. In Mertoutek, we can freely visit the village, the gardens and the gueltas. At the end of the day, we set up the bivouac. Night in bivouac in Mertoutek.

Day 05

Mertoutek Capital of Tefedset

Departure on foot with a local guide to visit the rock painting sites of Wadi Mertoutek. Bring a small backpack to carry your lunch prepared by our cook. Return to Mertoutek at the end of the day. Night in bivouac in Mertoutek.

Day 06

Mertoutek - Oued Dehine - Igharghar - Eastern slope of Tefedest - Aheggar

Departure from Mertoutek towards Wadi Dehine and Igharghar which we go up to the region of the Aheggar massif. Exploration by the tracks on the eastern slope of the Tefedest (Aheggar corridor). Setting up the bivouac. Night in Bivouac.

Day 07

Aheggar - Garet el Djenoun and Erg Talchamet

We take the track again towards Wadi Athes and we go up from the bottom of Wadi Tin Ekert to the foot of Garet El Djenoun. On foot, we set off to explore the northern slope of the Garet in the middle of a beautiful wadi to observe the residual gueltas still present. Return to the vehicles and bivouac facing Garet El Djenoun at sunset. Night in bivouac.

Day 08

Garet el Djenoun - Western slope of Tefedest

Following the wadis and canyons, we bypass the Garet el Djenoun from the north and continue off-road towards the interior of the mountains and the sandy wadis of the Tefedest on the western slope. Night in bivouac.

Day 09

Western slope of Tefedest - Oued Houat

We reach, to the east of the trans-Saharan, at Moulay Lahsene, the Tesnou massif and its enormous round rocks more than 1,500 meters above sea level. We pass through Oued Houat where we can visit its rock painting site. Very beautiful exploration walks are planned in the Massif de Tesnou. Setting up the bivouac. Night in bivouac in the dunes of Oued Houat.

Day 10

Tesnou Taourarat Tan Afala

Day dedicated to the discovery of the Massi de Tesnou. Night in bivouac at the foot of the elephant rock.

Day 11

Tesnou massif

New day of exploration of the Tesnou massif and its entire region. Last bivouac in a massif east of In Eker. Night in bivouac.

Day 12

Tesnou massif - In Ecker - Tamanrasset - return flight

We join the trans-Saharan at In Eker, a former French atomic base. Picnic along the way and arrival in Tamanrasset in the afternoon. Installation in the combing room to take a shower, rest and have dinner before transferring to the airport for the return flight. Night in flight.

Day 13

Tamanrasset - Europe

Night flight between Tamanrasset and Europe via Djanet and Algiers (breakfast served on board the Djanet/Algiers flight).

In Algiers, you must collect your baggage at the national airport, and walk to the international airport to check in your baggage to Paris at the Air Algérie counter (meal served on board the international flight).




1 person 1100€.

2 people from 600€.

3 to 5 people 500€.

6 to 10 people 440€.

11 to 18 people 300€.

19 people and more 250€.


  • Departing from Algiers or Oran (departure from province, contact us).

• Full board.

• Mode of transport: 4x4.

• Difficulty level: easy.

• Accommodation: 2 nights in a hotel or hostel in Tamanrasset, 1 night at the Assekrem refuge.

• 4 participants minimum.

• 12 participants maximum.

• Best season to experience this trip: from the end of October to the end of April.


• Discovery of the high mountainous reliefs of the Tefedset massif which are among the most unique on our planet.

• Meeting with the inhabitants of the oases and discovery of their original traditions and culture.

• The unforgettable vision of the Abzaou sunset.

• rock planter and rock engraving.

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