
If you are a group (from 3 to several dozen people!), you can privatize a trip offered in the catalog.

Each case is unique and deserves to be studied by our teams. So do not hesitate to contact us if a project is close to your heart. With friends, family, within a club or an association, each trip can be made and privatized. Let us know.

Attention !

Privatizing a group can cause an increase or a decrease in the « catalogue » price. Everything will depend on the number of participants, transport modules, accommodation options and the number of supervisors…

Tailor-made trips:

Like « groups », tailor-made trips can be made up on request.

If you have a project, on a destination proposed in the catalog, whether in a region already covered or in a region that we do not particularly serve, our teams may be able to offer you an « à la carte » circuit.

On simple request, an itinerary will be studied together and a tariff proposal will be suggested to you.

The « travel » is our passion. Studying a tailor-made circuit is a service that we provide you with great pleasure. And then… projecting ourselves on such a circuit… it’s as if we were leaving too… So as soon as we can escape on the ground or in our heads… it’s always a pleasure!

Remarks :

Studying a tailor-made trip is sometimes time-consuming. This requires a lot of skills and many back and forths between you and us. Especially when you want a very « sharp » route.

Sometimes… when there are too many modifications, we may be able to ask you for additional administration fees (up to 50 €/pers) in order to cover the cost of the time spent on your file!