The pricing policy of Tafassasset Art Voyages deserves some explanation!

As a direct heir of Tafassasset Art Voyages and Telerhteba Voyages, precursors in their time, of a resolutely accessible pricing policy, Point-Voyages could not be part of any other approach than that of promoting « affordable » trips.

What does « affordable » mean in this world where the vast majority of men cannot claim to live with dignity?

It would be unseemly to say that €2,000 is very affordable for a 15-day trip to Chad! Especially for those who cannot afford to dream of it!

However, these 2000 € become « affordable » for this same trip, when most competitors charge higher prices of a few hundred €uros!

On the other hand, what would « affordable » mean if Tafassasset Art Voyages had to cut corners on the quality of its services?

Clearly… Tafassasset art Voyages are almost systematically in the low range of prices observed in Algeria and North Africa, for a trip of comparable quality, vis-à-vis its competitors!

Prices: instructions

Tafassasset art Voyages exclusively practices group travel for 15 & 7 & 25 people….

As such, the pooling of management teams, the pooling of means of transport (minibuses, boats, 4x4s, etc.) means that the purchase price of a service is lower when the group is made up of 15 or 20 people, rather than when it consists of 4 people! Normal… the guide’s pay is divided by 15 instead of 4. Ditto for the rental of the minibus, the 4×4 or the boat!

From then on, Tafassasset Art Voyages decided to charge its travelers – when possible – the fair price.

know :

When the group is small (4/5 people), a supplement called « small base » is applied.

On the other hand, when the group is larger (12 to 15 to 20 people) Tafassasset Art Voyages applies to pass on the economies of scale, which it has itself realized on the purchase, on the final sale price. of his services!

Price from :

Thus, the prices announced « from » can be those of the higher filling bases, that is to say the price when the group reaches 15 people!

Obviously this displayed price could seem enticing and too promising! And some could accuse us of exaggeration… However, the goal of Tafassasset Art Voyages is indeed to practice a “fair” price when the conditions allow it; namely, when the group is large and economies of scale are achieved, it is normal for Tafassasset Art Voyages to pass it on without having to increase its margin ostentatiously!

And then, it is up to each traveler to be the ambassador of his own trip in order to encourage the greatest number of registrations, and consequently, to take advantage of low prices! Apart from these very special cases where we have the possibility of passing on the price reductions to the higher bases, the prices « from » are often the result of less expensive seasonalities, where accommodation is cheaper… or plane tickets are the most accessible!

And inversely proportional! Some dates may experience significant price differences – almost exaggerated – compared to the reference price. This is explained by « the high season », whether it is the result of an increase in usual or temporary tourist attendance.

Obviously… we would love to have smooth and cheap rates all year round! But this is not always possible, especially when in the majority of cases, we do not control all aspects of the trip and we subcontract them to third parties (plane, transfer, accommodation, etc.). Whereas, on the other hand, when we master the whole chain (as we have done for a very long time in Sahelian and Saharan Africa), we can offer homogeneous and highly accessible price ranges!


Occasionally during the year, a trip may find itself on sale: either because it is unsold and the plane tickets have been reserved and will certainly be lost, or because one of the service providers (air or land) offers a significant discount.

In this case, we decide to pass on the saving made by a promotion. The latter will be highlighted in a visible section of the website: in the « News » of the general page… and in the « dates & prices » of the trip concerned.

Attention !

A traveler who has registered for a trip at the « classic » price cannot claim to benefit from a promotion which is subsequent to his registration.

Tips :

We have classified certain trips in the « Good Deals » section because we consider that these – although not on promotions – remain good deals for their cheapest prices on the market!

So… Even if you find in the section a trip for 3000 €; its quality of « Bons Plans » will tell you that it is at the best price on the market… and that it is very likely that you will find the same trip with the competition, 15 to 30% more expensive!

Tafassasset art Travels



1. Registration

You can register either with our agency; either by WhatsApp phone +213657261230; either by post or via our website.

This registration implies the acceptance of all of our conditions of sale. Any registration must be accompanied by a deposit of 40% of the total price of the trip per person and the registration form duly completed and signed. If the ticket is issued upon reservation, the deposit will be at least the amount of the ticket, all taxes included, and 15% of ground services. The receipt of the deposit implies the reservation only to the extent of the places available. When several customers have registered on the same file, the holder of the file undertakes to provide us with all their contact details and to send all the participants the information relating to their trip; a single invoice in the holder’s name will be issued.

2. Payment

The invoice is sent to the customer within 15 days of registration. The balance of the amount of the trip must be paid without reminder from us no later than 30 days before the date of departure in cash, at Airport or borders to the order of Tafassasset art Voyages or by bank transfer (R.I.B Algeria post office on request) . If the balance of the trip has not arrived on time, Tafassasset Art Voyages reserves the right to cancel the reservation without compensation. If registration is made within 20 days of departure, payment must be made in one go and in full.

3. Price of the trip

The prices mentioned are per person and « from » according to air and accommodation availability at the time of booking. For group departures, the prices indicated are calculated on the basis of a minimum group. They can be increased if the number of participants is lower than this minimum. For scheduled flights, packages are calculated on the basis of prices given by the company for a specific fare class. When this class is full, Tafassasset art Voyages can offer you another booking class or another flight. During these redemptions or class changes, the price given by the company may be different, and in this case, we pass it on to the total amount of the trip.



For all our trips, participants must be in possession of the documents required by the authorities of the countries visited or transited such as passport, parental authorization, visa, vaccine… The formalities mentioned by Tafassasset art Voyages are intended for Algerian nationals and are given to indicative title. Completion of the formalities is the responsibility of the client, who must ensure before departure of any changes. Persons of foreign nationality must obtain information and information, before registering, about the administrative and health formalities required, in particular from the competent embassies and/or consulates. Tafassasset art Voyages cannot be held responsible for the non-boarding, and its consequences, of a traveler due to non-presentation of documents (plane tickets, police, customs, health); no reimbursement of the price of his trip will take place.

We draw the attention of travelers to the fact that it is forbidden to buy counterfeit products, narcotics or objects from historical and archaeological sites. Political activities, participation in demonstrations or photography of government installations, military barracks or police stations are prohibited. It is forbidden to photograph people without their request.


1. By the customer

Any request for file modification (change of date, participant, airport, services, etc.) must be made in writing. It can only occur more than 30 days before departure and entails the collection of 80 € in fees per person. These costs are not covered by the cancellation option

2. Tafassasset art Voyages

Events outside Tafassasset art Voyages may impose, before departure, a modification of the trip, in this case, Tafassasset art Voyages undertakes to inform the participants as soon as possible. Changes to the program (date, times, itineraries, accommodation, etc.) may occur during the trip due to organizational difficulties, for security reasons or in cases of force majeure. In this case, no refund or compensation whatsoever will be due.

3. General

Whatever the type of trip and the reason for cancellation, it is specified that in the event of cancellation, the insurance premium, visa and vaccination costs and any other costs incurred by the traveler such as routing to the city of departure, etc., cannot be the subject of any refund. In the event of interruption by the participant during the trip, regardless of the reason, no refund of unused services will take place. Travel cancellations, whatever the date, do not exempt from full payment of the sums for which you are liable: any refund procedure can only be initiated on this condition.

4. Special case of cancellation with plane tickets already issued

For any plane ticket already issued (i.e. already purchased by Tafassasset art Voyages), whether it is a scheduled, chartered or low cost flight and regardless of the date of cancellation, you will be charged cancellation fee of 100% of the ticket price.

5. Cancellation by some participants and continuation of the trip for others (in the case of a privatized and/or tailor-made group)

 If one or more participants registered on a privatized and/or tailor-made trip cancel(s) their participation in a trip maintained for the other participants, it will be invoiced for the one or those who cancel:

The costs incurred by Tafassasset art Voyages allowing the maintenance of the trip subscribed to at the same prices for the other participants already registered and maintaining their participation. The price of a privatized trip being fixed according to a determined number of participants, the cancellation of one or more participants therefore has a direct impact on the cost of the services of the participants maintaining their departure. These additional costs are therefore to be borne by the participant(s) canceling their participation.


No dispute in terms of price will be accepted on your return, for any reason whatsoever. Some errors may slip into the edition of certain prices, they must be reconfirmed when ordering to be valid. Tailor-made or exclusive stays will be subject to a variable tariff readjustment according to the customer’s requirements.

Promotional products are subject to special conditions of sale; indeed, promotional rates are neither refundable nor modifiable nor retroactive and must be paid in full at the time of booking.

In accordance with article L211-13 of the Tourism Code, the prices of our trips may vary upwards or downwards, without the possibility of cancellation on your part, your refusal to pay this price adjustment being considered as a cancellation of your part entailing the application of the scale of cancellation fees in 3 cases:

1. Changes in exchange rates (dollar, ouguiya, dinar, CFA, etc.) applied to the calculation of the price of your trip services. Rate as of 07/25/2022.

2. Variations in the cost of transport linked in particular to the cost of fuel.

3. Variations in fees and taxes relating to the services offered, such as landing, boarding, disembarking at airports, entry into national parks, etc. Tafassasset art Voyages will pass on the full cost that he suffers on the client. Rate on 07/25/2022.


1. Number of attendees :

The maximum number of participants is indicated in the description of the trip. However, this limit may be exceeded exceptionally in the event that the last person who registers wishes to travel with one or more other persons.

Are included in the duration of the trips, the day of departure and the day of return; the timetables not being known at the time of the publication of the brochure and the technical sheets, the first and last day of travel may in certain cases be devoted solely to flights and transfers. Departures and arrivals can either be very early or very late.

2. Special requests :

Any special request from the customer may result in an additional charge.

3. Responsibilities :

Each participant is aware that, given the nature of the trips we organize, he may run certain risks related in particular to the distance from medical centers. He assumes them with full knowledge of the facts and undertakes not to hold responsibility for any accidents that may occur, on Tafassasset art Voyages or on its guides or its various local service providers. This also applies to beneficiaries and any family member. If the circumstances so require and in particular to ensure the safety of the entire group, but also for climatic reasons or unforeseen events, Tafassasset art Voyages reserves the right, directly or through its guides, to substitute means of transport, accommodation, one route to another, as well as the dates or times of departure, without the participants being able to claim any compensation. Each participant must comply with the rules of caution and follow the advice given by the guide. Tafassasset art voyages can not be held responsible for accidents that would be due to the individual imprudence of a member of the group.

4. Expulsion from the group :

Tafassasset art Voyages reserves the right to expel at any time from a group, a person whose behavior can be considered as endangering the safety of the group or the well-being of the participants. No compensation would be due.

5. Scouting trips :

Tafassasset art Voyages reserves the right – in the context of the opening of a new destination or in the context of the opening of a new trip – to offer its voluntary participants a first departure, organized according to a principle of  » reconnaissance trip.

This type of trip aims to put in real condition, in the form of a « test » trip, a group of voluntary participants, so as to validate an itinerary, check the quality of an organization and the organizational capacities of a receptive agency. , test logistics and be the guarantors of the smooth running of the said trip.

The « reconnaissance trip » will be announced to its participants, before their registration. Either by the annotation made on the product sheet of the site, or by the advertisement of a newsletter, or by a promotional brochure… or by any other means of written communication.

Travelers who have voluntarily subscribed to these « reconnaissance trips » undertake, both now and in the future, not to exercise any recourse of any kind whatsoever or any claims for compensation against Tafassasset art Voyages, in the case where the trip made does not correspond, both in whole and in part, to the product described in the customer file, for any reason whatsoever.

Tafassasset art Voyages recalls that these are « test » trips in order to validate or not a destination, a circuit, a transport company, or any other service provider. Also, Tafassasset art Voyages cannot guarantee all of the services provided, accommodation, means of transport, circuits; this list is not exhaustive, and disclaims all liability related to the breach of one of the services.

It is therefore useful to remember that these « reconnaissance trips » are intended for participants wishing to live a unique experience, with the aim of encouraging Tafassasset art Voyages to expand its range of trips, while promoting qualitative improvement!


1. Passenger information :

In accordance with the decree of the Tourism Code), the customer will be informed of the identity of the contractual or de facto carrier(s) likely to carry out the purchased flight.

2. General :

Any seat purchased on a charter flight not used on the outward or return journey cannot be reimbursed.

On certain dates, the purchase of air-only flights may be refused, priority being given to passengers who have booked a stay on site. In the event that the number of passengers is insufficient on a flight, Tafassasset art Voyages reserves the right to modify the scheduled flight in order to be able to regroup the passengers on another flight or to cancel the scheduled flight. In addition, Tafassasset art Voyages reserves the right in the event of facts beyond its control or technical constraints, to transport its customers, by any mode of transport of its choice without any compensation being claimed by the customers, as well as not advancing or delaying the date of the scheduled flight by more than 48 hours. Tafassasset art Voyages undertakes in this regard to inform its customers, as far as possible, as soon as they become aware of the new data. The flights may be direct, with or without stopover, or include one or more stopovers with a change of aircraft without this being known on the date of the reservation and only being known on the day of departure.

3. Summons :

All information concerning the trip (schedule, airport, flight number, type of aircraft, stopover) will be communicated to you by sending a summons one week before departure. This information is given for information only as it is subject to change even after confirmation on the initiative of the carrier and cannot engage the responsibility of Tafassasset art Voyages. All costs relating to these changes remain (parking, hotel, bus, shuttle, taxi, ticket, etc.) at the customer’s expense.

Please note: as cities have several airports, it is not guaranteed that your return will take place at the same airport as that of departure. These possible changes remain the sole responsibility of the airlines, no payment of the resulting costs will take place.

5. Baggage :

The weight of hold baggage is limited to 12 kg per passenger on charter flights and 20 kg on scheduled flights (to be confirmed). In case of excess weight or volume, a supplement will be required. Only one piece of hand luggage is allowed in the cabin and remains under your own responsibility. Regarding your cabin baggage, you must now, during security checks, present separately in a closed plastic bag of a format of approximately 20 cm by 20 cm, your bottles and tubes of 100 ml maximum each. In the event of loss or late delivery of hold baggage, the airline alone is liable (Montreal convention of 06/28/2004). In the event of baggage claim, in order to be able to claim compensation, it is essential to have a baggage irregularity report drawn up at the destination airport.

 6. Meal trays :

In case of no-show at the airport or cancellation less than 5 days before your departure, meal trays are not refunded.

7. Lost or stolen ticket :

All consequences arising from the loss or theft of a ticket remain the responsibility of the customer.

8. Recommendations :

The numerous rotations made by the aircraft, particularly during busy periods, and the imperatives of security, which take precedence above all, can lead to significant delays. Tafassasset art Voyages cannot be held responsible for these delays caused by external events such as strikes, technical incidents, air traffic congestion, bad weather… the resulting costs remain the responsibility of the customer.

Reminder: disruption of weather conditions and strikes are considered force majeure. We therefore recommend that our customers do not provide for any commitment and in the event of pre or post-routing by their own means, to provide a minimum security connection and to reserve modifiable or even refundable transport tickets in order to avoid any financial loss.


Any complaint must be made by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within 15 days of the date of return. After this period, no claim will be accepted. We will consider as effective the date of receipt of the letter in our offices.


Any dispute resulting from the above conditions is within the jurisdiction of the Algerian Administrative Court.

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– How to register

– Our pricing policy

– Groups and tailor-made trips

– Confirmed departures

Welcome to North Africa and Arab Asia

Tafassasset art Travels

Pb09 Tamanrasset South Algeria

WhatsApp & Viber: +213657261230

License N°: 3983 By Ministry of Tourism and Handicrafts

Trade Register No: 22A1033270-00/11